Mag7 Tech Stocks - Edition #6

Mag7 Tech Stocks - Edition #6

Mid-week update (AMZN) - Bullish  

There’s an aggressive long trade here. Market buy now, dollar cost average your entry on a possible retrace toward $176. 

Stop tight at $176

Target @ $190

Alphabet (GOOGL) - Bullish

This one just confirmed a bullish reversal on lower time frame. 

Long entry @ low $160’s 

Tesla (TSLA) -Bullish

It wouldn’t hurt taking some profit. 

Ideal long re-entry on a retrace toward low $200’s. 

Microsoft (MSFT) - Bullish

Trade continues, will be taking most profit @ $430. 

A retrace toward low $400’s is a buy or long upon price action break well above $430 with entry on retest of this level as support. 

Meta Platforms (META) - Bullish

Any retrace toward $500 - $480’s is a buy.

Nvidia (NVDA) - Bullish 

Standby for now, a retrace at around $110 is a buy. 

Apple (AAPL) - Bullish

A retrace toward $215 is a buy

Previous report HERE:

Mag7 Tech Stocks - Ed.5
We have been uno reversed. Weekly close - update #5 What to expect on Monday’s open? Roundhill Magnificent Seven ETF (MAGS) Most stock prices from the Magnificent Seven have been on a rise so far. Everything seems to have found a temporary bottom and MAGS etf is currently entering


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